WSC to Provide MPC Plant Ratcliffe ZLD Wastewater, Emulation Updates & HW Upgrades

The Mississippi Power Company (MPC) Plant Ratcliff is an 840 MW natural gas combined cycle power station for which WSC provided the fully emulated combined cycle Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system in 2019.

WSC is upgrading the Plant Ratcliffe combined cycle simulator by emulating the Siemens T3000 steam turbine controls/HMI and updating the emulation of the Emerson Ovation DCS.  The emulations will support Simulation Assisted Engineering (SAE) and mimic the plant upgrades of these control system upgrades. 

WSC is also updating the ZLD Water Treatment System models (Brine Concentrator, Crystallizer and CC Water Systems) and providing four new simulator workstations.